the Hoi collection...
Bergli Book’s Hoi Guides are the best-selling Swiss German guides of all time, now with over 50,000 copies in print. The original English-Swiss German survival guide has been completely updated for this tenth anniversary edition, which features a larger format and all new-cartoons.
Now you too can enjoy speaking Swiss German. With this survival guide’s over 200 cartoons and 2000 words and phrases, it’s not just easy, it is downright fun.

Hoi – your new Swiss German survival guide, by Sergio J. Lievano and Nicole Egger.
ISBN 978-3-905252-67-5.
Hoi Zäme – Schweizerdeutsch leicht gemacht, von Sergio J. Lievano und Nicole Egger Macht mit seinen über 200 witzigen und farbenfrohen Cartoons das Erlernen der Sprache zu einem vergnüglichen Erlebnis.
ISBN 978-3-905252-22-4.
Hoi et après... Manuel de survie en suisse allemand, by Sergio J. Lievano and Nicole Egger. French edition of Hoi.
ISBN 978-3-905252-16-3.
Sali zämme –your Baseldütsch survival guide ,by Sergio J. Lievano and Nicole Egger. Basel dialect
ISBN 978-3-905252-26-2.
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